Monday, August 11, 2008

That bloated feeling - Is it Constipation??

Irregular bowel movement, bloated feeling, painful defecation due to hard feces, etc etc.....these symptoms when persist over a period of time give rise to a medical condition known as Constipation.

Constipation is experienced by everyone at one time or the other, but it is the duration of this medical condition that indicates its seriousness.

One of the prime reasons for constipation is a lazy colon that doesnt have a regular contraction movement due to which the stool doesnt move towards the rectum. This is caused due to the excessive consumption of junk food, the result of which is, extra hard work to be done by the colon to remove the faeces. This happens at the cost of some detrimental effects to the body, which in the long run can lead to a whole array of diseases.

Excessive prevalence of constipation can be an early indicator of colon cancer though constipation aint a risk factor in itself.

Considering today's pace of life, a healthy diet is not possible for everyone. Hence in such cases regular body cleansing starting from colon cleansing, possible for all :) is essential.

Colon cleansing involves the use of natural supplements, the daily use of which is beneficial to the body. For a person having frequent digestive problems, colon cleansing is the best home made remedy. Colon cleansing reduces the breeding ground for the harmful bacteria in addition to providing an energetic feel to the individual.


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