Thursday, August 21, 2008

Do you suffer from anxiety attacks??

Panic and fear are two common words and anyone and everyone has experienced it numerous times since childhood.

Anxiety, panic or fear need not necessarily be considered bad. Many a times they spur us to perform better. Their presence in moderation is necessary but it classifies as abnormal or as a mental disorder when their presence becomes too over bearing or irrational so as to affect an individual's daily routine. When its presence is too over whelming it classifies as a mental disorder commonly called as Anxiety Attacks or Panic Attacks.

Staying tense, having irrational fears about danger lurking everywhere etc are some of the emotional symptoms of anxiety disorders. These emotional fears are sometimes compounded with physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, excessive sweating or shortness of breath to name a few. These physical symptoms can lead to a full fledged episode of anxiety or panic attack which can last from upto 10 minutes to about 30 minutes whereby a person looses control over himself.

It is important to recognise here that these attacks are curable provided steps are taken early. When self help strategies fail, professional help must be taken. Anxiety disorders are curable and some methods to treat these are Exercise, Hypnosis, Relaxation techniques and in some cases Medication.

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